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Sales Glossary

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A/B Testing

A/B Testing is a marketing trial where two different versions of a product or content are shown to equal-sized audiences, and then their conversion rates are compared to see which performs better.


Accounts can be grouped into 'Key,' 'Strategic,' and 'Major' based on purchase frequency. Roles like Account Executives and Managers handle these accounts.

Account Executive (AE)

An account executive (AE) is a salesperson who builds and maintains relationships with customers, understanding their goals and needs to enhance connections and business opportunities.

Account Growth

Account growth means increasing the amount a supplier gets from a customer's budget.

Account Management

Account management involves providing support and services to customers to increase their use of a product or service, aiming to keep them satisfied and explore more sales opportunities.

Account Manager

An account manager builds and maintains customer relationships, ensuring satisfaction throughout the customer journey, while also suggesting new solutions to improve business outcomes.

Account Planning

Account planning means strategizing about a customer, including their decision process, competitors, and plans to attract and keep their business.

Account Score

Account Score, also known as buyer intent score, is a number on an account profile that helps prioritize accounts likely to become customers, integrated with [system name].

Account Team

An account team includes people who find customer needs, match solutions, share customer views with the supplier, and manage the customer relationship.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing targets specific accounts with personalized marketing to improve their experience and increase B2B sales.

Account-Based Selling

Account-based selling (ABS) focuses on winning business from high-value accounts, starting with identifying and targeting specific accounts for sales efforts.


Prospects being scheduled in a sequence.

Amplify Return Date Extraction

Amplify's return date extraction uses machine learning to pause and resume sequences based on out-of-office emails, notifying and prompting actions for new contact information.


This function deactivates templates for reference while not in use.

Associate With An Opportunity

This feature connects activities with prospects to opportunities, allowing viewing of activities within the opportunity tab.

Attention/Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) Model

The AIDA/AIDAR model is a popular marketing framework outlining stages in the customer purchasing process.

Auto Email

Emails sent automatically to prospects based on set time intervals in a sequence.

Average Contract Value (ACV)

Calculating the average annual revenue per customer contract, aggregating multi-year contracts yearly to gauge company revenue.


B2B means business-to-business, involving transactions between businesses, like selling materials or services necessary for business operations.

B2B Sales

B2B sales are transactions between businesses, not individuals, known for bigger deals, informed buyers, and longer approval processes.


BASHO email is a sales method for starting conversations with personalized, researched emails to build trust with potential customers.

Baseline Sales

Baseline sales are the expected sales volume under stable conditions, excluding external factors like promotions or seasonal changes, showing the basic product demand.


An email blacklist stores addresses that may be blocked from receiving emails or sent to spam. Senders can contact blacklist administrators to check if their emails are blacklisted.


Blogging is common online writing, used by companies to boost website traffic through social media sharing and engage a wide audience.

Booked Meeting

A calendar invitation including at least one prospect.


Bookings in sales mean the expected revenue from signed contracts, including multiple contracts over a set period with scheduled payments.

Bottom Of The Funnel (BOFU)

Bottom of the Funnel is the last part of the sales process with highly interested leads, often closed with direct sales tactics like product demos.

Bottom-up Forecasting

Revenue projection estimates potential earnings from a product or service by multiplying potential sales with their value over a set time.

Bottom-up Marketing

Bottom-up Marketing is a B2B approach where marketing employees create strategies, refined based on campaign success, popularized by Ries and Trout in 1989.

Bottom-up Sales

Targeting lower-level management in B2B sales increases prospects, though deals may be smaller. It also encourages more departments to adopt the product or service.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who leave after viewing one page without further action, including not clicking links or signing up.

Bounced Email

A bounced email is a message rejected by a mail server, failing to reach its recipient for some reason.

Branded URLs

Allow users to personalize links in emails, enhancing brand consistency and reducing spam score.

Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline (BANT) Framework

A method to assess lead qualification based on four criteria: Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeline, enabling prioritization of highly qualified leads for business engagement.

Business Development

The process of identifying and implementing growth opportunities to establish a sustainable and profitable business.

Business Development Representative

A junior sales team member responsible for outbound prospecting by reaching out to potential leads through methods like cold calling and email, passing qualified prospects to senior sales members.

Business to Business (B2B) Buying Process

The nonlinear journey B2B buying groups take to make purchasing decisions.

Business to Business (B2B) Sales

Transactions between two businesses characterized by larger transaction amounts, well-informed buyers, and a longer sales cycle.


An individual or entity making a purchase from a seller, with buyer behavior guiding targeted B2B sales and marketing strategies through buyer personas.

Buyer Enablement

Providing buyers with information and tools like calculators and coaching to facilitate easier completion of buying tasks.

Buyer Intent

The likelihood and readiness of a potential customer to make a purchase, guiding customized marketing and sales strategies to engage and convert prospects effectively.

Buying Journey

The process a customer organization and stakeholders undergo to make a purchase or recommendation.

Buying Signal

Verbal or non-verbal cues from potential customers indicating readiness for a purchase decision, guiding sales approaches.


Predicted customer lifetime value, estimating the long-term revenue potential of a customer relationship for the company.

Call To Action (CTA)

Directives for prospective customers, encouraging actions like signing up for product demonstrations, enhancing lead follow-up for potential sales.


Preplanned activities involving existing or new content distribution through targeted channels to enhance brand awareness or stimulate sales.

Challenger Sale

A sales approach focusing on how customers can improve their businesses, guiding them towards decisions aligned with their needs and goals.


A potential customer advocating for a company's services within their organization, influencing successful deals even in the absence of the seller.

Channel Design

Strategic resource allocation across direct and indirect channels to optimize sales based on segmentation, cost, and strategic objectives.

Channel Management

Activities involving selection, empowerment, and compensation of indirect channel partners to enhance channel performance.

Channel Partner

A company collaborating with another organization to market or sell services, products, or technologies.

Channel Sales

Indirect sales channel utilized by B2B organizations, with partners assuming diverse roles in engagements.

Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

An executive overseeing revenue generation processes and alignment among revenue-related functions within an organization.

Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Senior executive managing and leading the sales function within a company.

Churn Rate

The percentage of customers discontinuing business with an organization over a specific period, reflecting service quality.

Click Rate

The percentage of unique prospects responding to an email within 14 days of delivery.

Click Tracking

Tracks the instances when the recipient clicks on links embedded within an email.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

The ratio of clicks on a website link to impressions, indicating website link performance in search engine results.


An online tool allowing prospective customers to initiate conversations with sales representatives, facilitating immediate support and closing deals.


A client is someone who regularly pays for services from a company or individual, often through ongoing agreements, unlike customers who may make one-time purchases.


The final stage in the sales cycle indicating a successful purchase completion, marking the transition from prospect to customer.


Reaching out to potential customers via phone without prior contact, aiming to schedule follow-up discussions.

Cold Calling

Additional earnings for making sales beyond base pay, incentivizing sales efforts.


Total employee compensation including base salary, commissions, and bonuses.


Material published by a company for marketing purposes, such as blogs or videos, to generate interest and leads.


Expenses related to acquiring new customers, including compensation and technology costs.


The percentage of deals successfully closed out of the total active pipeline, calculated at individual, team, and organizational levels.

Conversion Rate

In sales, the conversion rate is the proportion of closed deals to the total active pipeline, calculated at individual, team, or organizational levels for assessing sales performance.

Cost Of Sales

The cost of sales encompasses all expenses related to acquiring a new customer, including field seller compensation and technology costs.

Cross Selling

Selling additional products or services to existing customers, complementing their previous purchases.

Customer Acquisition

Identifying and executing opportunities to close deals in the sales channel, engaging prospects across their purchase journey.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Total costs associated with acquiring a new paying customer, encompassing marketing and related expenditures.

Customer Confidence

The degree to which a B2B customer feels assured in their purchasing decisions, leading to high-quality purchases.

Customer Engagement

Nurturing relationships with consumers beyond transactions, providing value at every interaction to enhance loyalty.

Customer Experience

The immersive brand process aiming to understand business from the customer's perspective, fostering an optimal situation for purchase motivation.

Customer Lifetime Value

The total duration a customer remains, with their generated profit throughout their tenure, compared to acquisition costs, determining average net profit per customer.

Customer Loyalty

A metric in customer success, reflecting ongoing product or service use driven by positive buyer outcomes.

Customer Relationship Management

Storing and managing account information, usually through specialized software like CRM systems such as Salesforce and Dynamics, integrated via API connection.

Customer Satisfaction

Measures customer enjoyment and engagement, crucial in determining whether customers return or leave interactions unsatisfied.

Customer Segmentation

Categorizing customers based on purchasing behavior to develop targeted sales and marketing strategies, enhancing seller effectiveness and understanding customer needs.

Customer Success

A methodology ensuring customers achieve desired outcomes with a product or service, involving purchase, implementation, usage, and support.


Visual representation of team metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and data, presenting company performance over time for specific criteria, used by sales and marketing teams.

Data Enrichment

Improving datasets through processes like adding external data, updating information, cleaning datasets, and removing duplicates.

Deal Health

A component of revenue intelligence providing detailed insights into deal progress, areas for improvement, and actions to realign deals for success.

Decision Maker

Individual or group responsible for making strategic decisions, influenced by factors like time constraints, available resources, and stakeholder involvement.

Deep Sales

Research-driven sales approach leveraging LinkedIn data to identify warm accounts and enhance pipeline quality, shortening sales cycles and increasing closed/won ratio.

Delivered Email

Any email sequence or individual email that effectively reaches a potential customer.

Digestible Content

Marketing material easy for the audience to understand, including brief, clear, and concise written copy, as well as accessible visual and auditory content.

Direct Competition

Companies offering similar products or services and vying for the attention of the same target audience.

Direct Sales

Face-to-face sales approach used by business-to-business (B2B) sales teams.

Discovery Call

Initial interaction with a prospect after displaying interest, allowing qualification assessment and understanding of their needs.

Email Bump

Notification elevating an email to the forefront of a user's inbox at a specified time.

End Of Month Forecast

Anticipated count of meetings a representative aims to achieve by month-end, utilizing machine learning.


Any interaction mode with potential customers, including phone calls, emails, and LinkedIn messages.

Features, Advantages and Benefits (FAB)

Comprehensive examination or model evaluating product characteristics, value proposition, and overall effectiveness to aid Sales and Marketing teams in selling.

First-Call Resolution

Capability to effectively address a customer's concern or issue during their initial interaction with an organization.

Follow-up Sequence

A sequence used to automatically follow up with someone.

Follow-up Task

A task created via a follow-up sequence or email bump that prompts a user to execute.

Forecast Accuracy

The degree to which sales leaders successfully predict sales figures in both the long and short term, crucial for making informed decisions about short-term spending and key account deals.


Anything that slows a potential customer in their buying journey, whether through ineffective marketing or sales channels.


An individual who acts as a barrier between a sales representative, for example, from another company, and a key decision-maker in the targeted company, often a Secretary or Personal Assistant.

Global Account Management (GAM)

An approach for nurturing long-term relationships with major global customers to create new business opportunities and generate greater revenue, requiring global coordination, culturally sensitive approaches, and a global account team aligned with clients' organizational structures.

Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy

A plan detailing how an organization engages with customers to persuade them to buy their product or service and gain a competitive advantage, covering pricing, sales channels, the buying journey, new product launches, rebranding, or entering new markets.

Historic Customer Life Value (CLV)

The sum of all a customer’s previous purchases from a company to date, representing the current total or ‘customer lifetime value’.

Horizontal (Market)

A product or service useful to many different buyers across various industries, rather than only to a niche group of buyers, opposite of Vertical Market.

Hot Lead

A potential customer or sales prospect highly likely to buy a product or service within the next few months, typically within three months.

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

An outline of factors describing companies most likely to benefit from a company's product or service, guiding marketing efforts.


A metric measuring the number of appearances of a web page, website, or blog in a search engine, used to calculate the click-through rate (CTR).

Inbound Calls

Calls originating from a prospect to a sales rep.

Inbound Sales

Sales characterized by prospects initiating a relationship with a seller, often through provided content, followed by the salesperson contacting the prospect to determine lead qualification.

Indirect Competition

Also known as Substitutes, businesses targeting the same audience and addressing similar problems but offering different products.


A visual representation of data or information, effective for illustrating research findings on social media platforms.

Inside Sales

Sales transactions made remotely, often via telephone, distinct from telemarketing and involving lead-based, unscripted calls handled by skilled reps.


Processes or software components streamlined to work well together, aiming for optimal outcomes and increased efficiency of sales pipelines or marketing.

Key Account Management (KAM)

The process of planning and managing a mutually beneficial partnership between an organization and its most important customers, vital for long-term growth and requiring significant investment in time and resources.

Key Accounts

A category of business accounts managed by a supplier company, generating substantial profits through years of repeat business.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Metrics indicating if individuals, teams, or a company are reaching set targets over time, aiding data-driven decision-making and informing sales processes.

Key Purchasing Criteria

Factors influencing a customer's decision to buy from a company, each with varying importance.

Land And Expand

A sales strategy where a small deal is closed with a company, followed by more sales deals throughout more departments in the same company, often through referrals or with the help of a champion.

Landing Page

A web page with a form for visitors to sign up, aiming to convert visitors into sales leads.

Lead Enrichment

The process of researching a potential customer to improve communication and build relationships, either manually or with technology.

Lead Funnel

The process of qualifying potential customers, often converting leads into customers through a separate sales funnel.

Lead Generation

Creating interest in a company’s product or service to identify prospective customers, often by collecting contact information (leads) for follow-up.

Lead Management

The process of identifying, capturing, tracking, qualifying, and engaging potential customers until they are sales-ready, then passing them to the sales team.

Lead Nurturing

Building positive relationships with people interested in a company’s products or services across the buying journey, increasing the likelihood of sales.

Lead Qualification

Categorizing potential customers in B2B sales to assess their position in the buying cycle, often ranking them by their likelihood to purchase at a specific point based on interest, sales-readiness, and needs.

Lead Scoring

Evaluating the quality of sales leads by ranking them relative to others based on buyer profile fit and behavior criteria.

Lead Time

The duration between identifying a lead and qualifying it as an opportunity.

Lifetime Value to Customer Acquisition Cost Ratio (LTV:CAC)

Compares the expected revenue from a customer in a lifetime with the cost of acquiring that customer, to assess if relationships will be profitable.


The email address associated with an outreach instance.

Mailing State

The status of an email in the outbox: delivered, opened, clicked, replied, scheduled, bounced, or unsubscribed.

Mailing Type

The process of composing and sending emails, including one-off, bulk, and sequence emails.

Major Account

A customer who makes significant purchases, typically infrequently, such as every few years.

Manual Email

Customized emails sent manually, often as part of a specific step in a prospect's journey, with tasks appearing in the tasks tab until completion.


The matching of data fields between outreach and a CRM like Salesforce.

Market Development

Expanding sales opportunities by marketing to wider groups or new locations, rather than seeking new markets.

Market Fragmentation

The division of a market into distinct segments over time, potentially impacting the effectiveness of mass marketing.

Market Penetration

The percentage of customers in a target market who have purchased a product or service, indicating marketing success.

Market Research

Gathering customer preferences and needs through interviews and research, used to gauge the potential success of products or services.

Market Segmentation

Dividing a target market into distinct groups based on factors like location, age, or industry to inform marketing strategies.


Promoting products or services, utilizing strategies such as 'Push Marketing' to introduce a brand and 'Pull Marketing' to attract customers.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

A lead showing interest in a product or service due to marketing efforts, meeting criteria for transfer to the sales team.

Meeting Conversion Rate

The percentage of contacted prospects invited to a meeting.

Meetings Booked

The total number of calendar invites sent to external guests, regardless of acceptance.


Quantitative measurements assessing activity performance, such as website click-through rates and campaign conversion rates.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)

The central stage in a sales funnel, nurturing leads who have engaged with the company, aiming to identify high-quality prospects.


A sales technique involving copying a prospect's actions to build rapport and increase sales likelihood.

Modern Selling

A sales model tailored to informed buyers, focusing on relationship-building and consumer education for repeat business.

Mutual Action Plan (MAP)

A collaborative plan between parties to identify resources and milestones, streamlining deal closure by removing guesswork.

Needs Analysis

A systematic gathering of sales lead information, including data, KPIs, and pain points, to determine appropriate solutions.


Discussions between buyer and seller to reach agreement on sale aspects, like cost.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A customer loyalty metric, calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (0-6) from promoters (9-10), indicating overall satisfaction.


A sales lead disqualified by a company due to no intention of purchasing, whether short or long term.

Non-sales Activities (NSAs)

Activities not directly related to making sales, such as producing reports or printing documents, but still essential for business operations.


An email flagged with negative sentiment by outreach's machine learning, indicating potential hurdles in communication with prospects.

Objection Handling

Addressing prospect concerns in B2B sales by finding solutions to objections raised, facilitating a smoother path to potential sales.

On-target Earnings (OTE)

Projected earnings for a salesperson upon meeting or surpassing targets, comprising base salary and variable compensation, providing a goal to strive for.

One-off Task

Tasks in outreach Engage not linked to sequences, offering flexibility in managing specific activities outside the regular workflow.

Open Opportunities

Potential sales opportunities not yet lost or won, requiring ongoing effort to nurture and advance them through the sales cycle.

Open Rate

Percentage of opened emails out of the total sent, providing insights into the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns and engagement levels.

Opportunity Generation

Creating qualified prospects likely to become paying customers through strategic sales and marketing efforts, laying the foundation for business growth.

Opportunity Management

Organizational strategy for pursuing future sales by effectively managing sales opportunities and maximizing conversion rates.


Natural search engine optimization method, improving webpage ranking through backlinks and content relevance, enhancing visibility without paid advertising.

Out of Office Extraction

Feature in Amplemarket identifying out-of-office emails, pausing sequences until return dates, extracting new contact info, and notifying reps, optimizing email outreach efficiency and response management.

Outbound Sales

Sales model where the company initiates contact with prospects through methods like cold calls or email marketing, proactively seeking potential customers.

Outbound calls

Calls initiated by sales reps to prospects, enabling direct communication and relationship-building in sales processes.

Overdue Task

Task passed its completion deadline, requiring attention to avoid delays and maintain workflow efficiency.

Pain Point

Problems faced by sales leads, guiding further communication and solutions to address customer needs effectively.


Classification of prospects based on similar attributes to aid effective communication and targeted marketing strategies, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.


Visual representation of sales stages, providing a structured overview of the sales process and prospects' journey toward conversion.

Pipeline Generation

Tasks related to sourcing new revenue opportunities, including prospecting, lead management, and customer expansion, fueling business growth and sustainability.

Pipeline Velocity

Speed at which qualified leads progress through a sales pipeline, indicating efficiency in sales processes and revenue generation.


Integration adding data functionality to a system or platform, enhancing its capabilities and usability for users.

Power User

Team leader facilitating platform adoption and sharing best practices, driving efficiency and innovation within the team.

Predictive Analysis

Tool using past data to forecast future marketing outcomes, leveraging statistics, data, algorithms, and machine learning for strategic decision-making.


Corporate function governing purchasing decisions for a company, encompassing activities like vendor evaluation, bidding, and contract negotiation, optimizing costs and maximizing value for the organization.

Product-qualified Lead (PQL)

Sales lead with prior product experience, having interacted with the target product, such as through a demo, indicating higher conversion potential.

Professional Services Consultant (PSC)

Project managers and consultants configuring outreach post-sale, ensuring seamless integration and tailored solutions for clients, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

Profit Margin

Measure of profit generation, calculated by subtracting business costs from total revenue and expressing the result as a percentage, indicating financial health and efficiency of business operations.

Proof of Concept (POC)

Demonstration of a product's suitability and business case, showcasing its functionality and benefits to potential customers, laying the groundwork for future sales and adoption.


Potential business partner, encompassing leads and contacts, representing opportunities for sales and growth for the company.


Initial sales step, identifying and contacting potential customers, aiming to create a database of qualified leads for further engagement and conversion.


Reviewing sales opportunities against criteria for viability, ensuring alignment with sales objectives and resource allocation, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in the sales process.

Qualified Lead

Sales opportunity meeting specific criteria for conversion, indicating higher potential for successful sales interactions and closing deals.


Sales process to determine lead viability, involving communication to establish if leads meet criteria for high-quality engagement, guiding resource allocation and sales strategy for optimal results.


Sales target within a defined period, serving as a performance metric for sales teams and individuals, driving motivation and accountability in achieving sales objectives.


Preliminary document for vendor information comparison, facilitating vendor evaluation and selection process, ensuring alignment with business requirements and objectives for effective procurement decisions.


Detailed proposal document for business solutions, providing comprehensive information on problems, goals, solutions, and costs, guiding vendors in crafting tailored proposals to meet client needs and objectives effectively.


Detailed quotation document for client specifications, ensuring accurate pricing and product/service specifications, facilitating vendor selection and procurement process based on client requirements and budget considerations.

Ramp-up Time

Time for a sales rep to become fully productive post-training, transitioning from learning to contributing to sales targets, optimizing onboarding efficiency and sales performance.


Customer recommendation of a company's services, leveraging satisfied customers to expand the customer base through word-of-mouth marketing, fostering trust and credibility in the marketplace.

Reply Rate

Percentage of prospects clicking email links within 14 days, indicating engagement levels and effectiveness of email communication, guiding adjustments to email content and outreach strategies for improved response rates.

Response Time

Median time for user response to prospect interactions, reflecting responsiveness and efficiency in handling prospect inquiries and requests, enhancing customer experience and relationship-building in sales processes.

Revenue Hero

Professional identifying revenue function gaps and driving transformation, driving innovation and efficiency across revenue functions, contributing to organizational growth and success.

Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Departmental alignment to streamline sales processes, optimizing collaboration and efficiency across sales, marketing, and customer success functions, maximizing revenue generation and customer satisfaction.

Round Robin — Flexible

Meetings distributed evenly among a team but can be reassigned as needed, with links associated with the team rather than specific users, providing flexibility in scheduling.

Round Robin — Strict

Meetings evenly assigned among a team without the option for users to change the host, with links tied to the team rather than individual users, ensuring equitable distribution of meetings within the team.

Route-to-Market Strategy

A methodical approach to reaching, selling, and transacting within a target market or segment to drive revenue and profit, typically involving commercial incentives and strategic planning.


The monetary value generated from customer purchases within a specific period, often measured to evaluate company or sales representatives' performance.

Sales Academies

Comprehensive talent development programs combining training sessions, skill application, and coaching to measure and certify long-term behavior change, promoting a holistic approach to learning aligned with business objectives and sales performance.

Sales Acceleration

Speeding up the sales cycle through methods like automation or data visualization to reduce the time from lead to customer conversion.

Sales Accepted Lead (SAL)

Sales opportunity generated by someone other than the account owner, accepted by the account owner, typically created by individuals aiming to create sales opportunities, such as SDRs/BDRs and CSMs.

Sales Analytics

Using data to predict sales outcomes, find opportunities, and identify trends, often facilitated by various software and programs.

Sales Automation

Automating certain sales processes using software, such as sending outreach emails across multiple channels to multiple recipients simultaneously.

Sales Channel

The method through which a B2B sales organization goes to market, either directly or indirectly, to sell products or solutions to end customers.

Sales Coaching

Dynamic interactions between a sales manager and their direct reports to evaluate, correct, or reinforce specific behaviors, tailored to individual sellers' learning styles and needs.

Sales Compensation

Payment to salespeople based on their performance against predetermined targets, including salary, commission, incentives, or a combination thereof.

Sales Copy

Written material by copywriters for marketing purposes, aimed at increasing awareness of a company's products/services and closing deals, available in various formats such as short-form, long-form, or white papers.

Sales Cycle

Stages starting from a seller's initial contact with a prospect and ending with a closed deal, representing the process of converting a lead into a customer.

Sales Dashboards

Tools providing graphical interfaces to evaluate sales data, track key performance indicators, and metrics relevant to sales organizations, aiding in decision-making and performance monitoring.

Sales Demonstration (Demo)

Introducing sales prospects to a software/product by demonstrating its features and benefits, aiming to increase the likelihood of a sale.

Sales Development Representative

Specialists in identifying prospective buyers through outreach to new prospects and qualifying incoming leads.

Sales Engagement

Any interaction between sales reps and prospects/customers, measured by the number of touchpoints, essential for building relationships and moving prospects through the sales funnel.

Sales Forecast

Projection of future sales revenue and predictions of deals moving through the sales cycle, driving short-term spending decisions and impacting decisions on key deals.

Sales Funnel

Visual representation of the customer's journey from discovery to purchase, divided into segments like TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU, guiding sales strategies and actions at each stage.

Sales Intelligence

Information used by salespeople to make informed decisions during the selling cycle, encompassing tools, techniques, and practices facilitating data collection, tracking, and analysis to provide insights into customer prospects and leads.

Sales Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Metrics helping sales teams measure effectiveness and efficiency to improve methodologies and processes for driving sales.

Sales Kickoff

Premier event where organizations communicate commercial strategy and motivate frontline salespeople, typically held at the beginning of an organization's fiscal year.

Sales Lead

Contact in the sales funnel not yet qualified as a sales prospect, differentiated into hot leads, warm leads, or non-leads, representing opportunities for potential sales.

Sales Leadership

Guiding the strategic direction of the sales function and managing the sales organization to achieve commercial objectives.

Sales Management

Planning, implementing, and controlling sales programs to achieve organizational goals, including recruitment, training, and motivation of the sales force.

Sales Methodologies

Guiding principles for sales engagement, processes, and skills development enabling effective customer engagement and sales performance.

Sales Metrics

Data points representing individual, team, or organizational sales performance and potential, used to measure progress toward goals, identify weaknesses, and prepare for future growth.

Sales Operations

Strategic function supporting, enabling, and driving effective sales objectives, strategies, and programs.

Sales Opportunities

Highly qualified sales prospects likely to become customers, targeted with sales and marketing efforts to close deals.

Sales Pipeline

Tool for converting leads into sales, providing a visual representation of different stages of the sales process and guiding follow-ups with leads.

Sales Plan

Strategic document outlining objectives, goals, tactics, and action plans for the sales team to achieve revenue targets, providing a roadmap with clear timelines, budget, and resources allocation.

Sales Process

Standardized series of steps followed by sales teams in converting a prospect into a customer, ensuring preparedness, effectiveness, and consistent customer experience.

Sales Prospect

Potential customer meeting specific criteria indicating an ability and likelihood to make a purchase.

Sales Qualification

Evaluating leads to determine their likelihood to make a purchase, ensuring alignment with sales objectives and strategies.

Sales Qualified Lead

Leads likely to convert to customers based on qualifying criteria, indicating a higher potential for successful sales interactions.

Sales Quota

Performance expectation sellers must achieve during a set time period to earn target incentive pay, driving motivation and goal attainment.

Sales Report

Collection of metrics, quantitative data, and qualitative inputs evaluating sales performance within teams, regions, or organizations.

Sales Sequence

Series of automated actions at specified times in converting sales leads to customers, such as emails and calls, guiding the sales pipeline and deal closure.

Sales Stack

List of technologies used in sales departments, including CRM and automation software, enhancing sales capabilities and efficiency.

Sales Strategy

Detailed plan to drive sales performance, innovation, and growth by penetrating markets and increasing market share, aligned with business objectives and commercial strategies.

Sales Support

Role, department, or set of tools and resources helping offload administrative tasks from frontline sellers and managers to improve productivity.

Sales Team Structure

Configurations of employees in various sales roles across geographies, products, and account tiers, organized to go to market effectively.

Sales Technologies

Tools and applications supporting sales representatives, focused on improving sales execution, automation, and effectiveness, driving productivity and engagement.

Sales Training

Process of training frontline commercial staff to drive engagement, effectiveness, and ongoing development, enhancing sales skills and capabilities.

Sales Turnover

Percentage of sellers leaving an organization during a defined period, impacting team stability and performance.

Sales-qualified Leads (SQLs)

Prospects qualified as potential customers ready for sales engagement, moving toward closing deals.


Increasing company inputs and outputs proportionally to boost profits, particularly during the high-growth phase known as "scaleup."


Prospect's perceived attitude or view toward a situation or event, influencing their decision-making process.


Series of touchpoints designed to deepen engagement with prospects, guiding sales activities and communications to build the sales pipeline and close deals.


Images or text used to craft emails quickly, speeding up workflow, typically short and informative, such as bulleted lists.

Social Selling

Selling method involving generating leads by engaging with prospects on social media platforms, leveraging connections and shared content to initiate sales conversations.

Solution Selling

Sales technique focusing on identifying and addressing leads' pain points with appropriate solutions, enhancing the likelihood of closing deals.

Standard task mapping (STM)

Activity titles for syncing into CRM, configured on contact and lead objects separately, streamlining CRM integration and data management.


Early-stage company offering products or services and often financed by its founders, characterized by rapid growth potential and innovation.

Strategic Account

Customer crucial for retention, often due to their significant impact on revenue or strategic importance to the company.

Success Plans

Transparent plans within the revenue intelligence platform Outreach Guide, aiding sales teams in managing complex deals efficiently and staying aligned with buyers, accelerating deal cycles and enhancing collaboration.

TAM Analysis

Analysis of the Total Addressable Market, determining the revenue potential for a product or service within a specific market segment, guiding market entry and expansion strategies.

Territory Management

Prioritizing and managing customer and prospect groups, typically segmented by factors like geography or industry, to optimize sales efforts and resource allocation.

Time blocks

Open windows of availability for prospects to book meetings, customizable within the user's calendar settings, facilitating scheduling and outreach activities.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

First stage in the sales funnel where leads become familiar with a company through marketing efforts, essential for qualifying or disqualifying potential customers.


Sales process targeting individuals in higher roles within a company, leveraging their authority in decision-making for B2B sales.


Prospect actions in response to marketing initiatives, prompting specific follow-up actions, such as targeted ads.


Sales technique suggesting higher-end products or additional products to customers during a sale to increase spending, often incentivized through commission-based compensation structures.

Value Consulting

Collaborative approach in selling focused on demonstrating the value of a product or service in the context of the customer's specific needs and goals, fostering trust and partnership.

Value Proposition

Promise made by an organization to meet customer needs and objectives, used in sales pitches to persuade potential customers by highlighting the value provided.

Value-based Selling

Selling method emphasizing the benefits of a solution to address lead pain points and close deals, often demonstrated through product demos.

Virtual Selling

Sales transactions conducted remotely without face-to-face interactions, leveraging communication channels like social media, email, and video conferencing.

Voicemail Drop

Pre-recorded messages automatically left for prospects during unanswered outbound calls, enhancing outreach efficiency and consistency.

Warm Call

Sales outreach to leads already aware of the product or service, indicating interest, such as referrals or form submissions, contrasting with cold calls.

Web Traffic

Measure of the number of visitors to a website over a specific period, essential for lead generation and assessing marketing effectiveness.

Weighted Pipeline

Utilization of historical win rates to predict likely revenue from pipeline deals, providing insights into future revenue projections.

White Paper

Comprehensive written material exploring a problem and potential solutions, showcasing industry expertise to attract leads and increase sales.

White Whale/Whale

Slang for a high-value sales lead capable of significantly increasing company revenue, representing lucrative sales opportunities.


Organized and repeatable activity patterns tailored to users' roles or functions, improving efficiency and productivity in various tasks.