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Follow your top prospects to new opportunities

  • Build a quality pipeline with former customers
  • No wasted time on manual research
  • Reduce CAC and prevent churn
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The smart way to keep your pipeline pumping

Boost new business

Use your happy customer relationships to bring in new business by:

  • Re-engaging former champions (decision-makers)
  • Reaching out to past product users (for warm introductions)
  • Following up with old qualified leads at new companies
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Background Animation

Curb your churn & find upsell opportunities

Identify at-risk accounts and pursue new selling opportunities by tracking:

  • Product champions leaving the account
  • New executive team hires
  • Former champions or users joining the account

Keep tabs on prospect job changes in real-time

Tap into customer relationships


Other intent tools rely on basic keyword signals and company lists. Only Amplemarket gives you exact, contact-level insights!

Accelerate sales cycles


Skip the exploratory calls - leverage your power users to connect quickly with key decision-makers.

Save time on manual research


Automate your contact tracking and get instant lead updates delivered to your inbox!

Add a special touch to your outreach


Be the first to congratulate your prospects and ensure you're top of mind in their future decision-making.

Read the article on increasing CLV and B2B selling in a downturn

Against rising CACs, budget cuts, and threats of recession; reliable champion customers are worth their weight in gold. See how you can leverage them using Amplemarket's Job Change Alerts.

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Questions you may have

Frequently asked questions

Job Change Alerts are a form of automated lead-monitoring that keep you connected with your key prospects, customers, and advocates by identifying and notifying you of their career moves. These alerts help you to anticipate their future needs so you can be the first to reach out when a potential sales opportunity arises.

Amplemarket’s data enrichment and AI-driven sales intelligence identify your key contacts and track their career status via LinkedIn. When a contact makes a move, you will receive an alert and have the option of engaging with them to accelerate your sales cycle and create new conversions.

Job Change Alerts can help your sales by helping you stay connected with your key contacts and advocates, anticipate their future needs, and be the first to reach out when they make a move. In the long run, this can help you increase your conversion rates and power your business growth by getting more value out of your champion users.

Amplemarket's artificial intelligence automatically pulls career information on your prospects via LinkedIn, so you can be notified as soon as they update their profile. This data is fully transparent and verifiable, so sales teams can boost their pipeline without relying on questionable black-box data sources.