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Looking for the best Outreach alternative?

Why users switch to Amplemarket:
  • Engage prospects via email, phone & LinkedIn channels
  • Explore LinkedIn voice & video messages
  • Save time on email outreach with AI-powered drafts & replies
  • Monitor multiple mailboxes and warm-ups
  • Proactively test if emails land in spam or inbox
  • Select healthy mailboxes for improved deliverability
  • Consolidate prospecting & engagement efforts in one place
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Core features of Amplemarket and Outreach

Amplemarket is an all-in-one AI sales solution that provides a frequently updated database (as accurate as LinkedIn), featuring multi-step verified emails and phone numbers, LinkedIn intent access, and automated multichannel sequencing

Sales teams can enhance outreach with AI-driven messaging and protect their domain for optimal inbox placement. is a sales engagement platform designed to help sales teams communicate with prospects and customers. 

It provides features such as email automation, sales cadences, analytics, and integration with CRM systems.


Pavan P., Vice President Global Sales, Blues Wireless


Amplemarket is helping me do the work of what would probably take 6 reps on a platform like Outreach or Salesloft. Their sequencer is by far the best tool on the market to help you achieve "personalization at scale", and their data is great too.

Kyle Rasmussen,  Head of Sales, Chat Metrics


Verified Review on G2

Why Amplemarket is a better

alternative to Outreach


Committed customer support

Get full training, and ongoing support from our team to ensure you’re fully equipped to hit your sales goals.


Integrated prospecting and outreach

Find and filter leads, create lists, and initiate engagement within one single platform.


Industry-leading AI technology

Benefit from unparalleled AI-powered automation and copywriting to maximize efficiency.


For teams of all sizes & industries

Suited for any team looking to scale their GTM operations in any industry, trim their tech stack, and maximize ROI.

4 areas where Amplemarket dominates Outreach

#1. AI email drafts and replies

What you get with Outreach:
  • Outreach's generative AI options are limited to creating reply drafts to prospect emails with its smart email assist feature.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket’s advanced generative AI capabilities learn your sales reps' selling style, reply to common prospect emails and objections, and assist in booking more meetings without any typing.
  • Additionally, Amplemarket allows you to create well-researched cold openers at scale in just a few clicks.

#2. Manage email volume with multiple mailboxes

What you get with Outreach:
  • With bulk sender regulations tightening up, it will be really difficult for distributed sales teams to reach the level of outreach volume they used to manage within Outreach.
  • Additionally, Outreach has a limit of 2 mailboxes per user.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket not only offers multiple mailboxes but also access to multiple domains.
  • Additionally, you can set your own custom sending limits. This means you can easily manage outreach and get more meetings without worrying about changes in outreach regulations. 

#3. Proactive email spam tests

What you get with Outreach:
  • There are no built-in safety mechanisms to check whether your emails are landing in spam or the primary inbox.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket offers built-in safety mechanisms like the email spam checker, which proactively tests on a weekly basis whether your emails will land in the prospect's primary inbox or spam. This helps improve your deliverability rates.

#4. Integrated warmup and mailbox selection

What you get with Outreach:
  • Outreach does not offer integrated email warm-up to build mailbox health and improve deliverability.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket notifies you of the health of your mailboxes while sending outreach campaigns.
  • You can not only easily switch between multiple mailboxes but also improve domain health by using the integrated warm-up feature.

1. AI-powered email drafts and replies

What you get with Outreach:

Outreach's generative AI options are limited to creating reply drafts to prospect emails with its smart email assist feature.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's AI learns your sales style, replies to emails, and books meetings with no typing.

Plus, creates well-researched cold openers quickly and easily.

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2. Manage email volume with multiple mailboxes

What you get with Outreach:

With stricter bulk sender rules, sales teams may struggle to reach previous outbound volumes in Outreach, which also limits users to just 2 mailboxes each.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket provides multiple mailboxes and domains, plus customizable sending limits, letting you manage outreach volume without concern for regulatory changes.

3. Proactive email spam tests

What you get with Outreach:

There are no built-in safety mechanisms to check whether your emails are landing in spam or the primary inbox.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket includes a weekly email spam checker that performs automated tests to see where your emails are landing.

4. Integrated warmup and mailbox selection

What you get with Outreach:

Outreach does not offer integrated email warm-up to build mailbox health and improve deliverability.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket alerts you of your mailbox health during campaigns, lets you switch mailboxes easily, and improves domain health with a built-in warm-up feature.

Superior customer support at every step

From best practices to resolving requests on time, scale your outbound efforts with the backing of our expert Customer Support team every step of the way.

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Access multiple mailboxes & optimize their health

Ensure your outreach motions hit the mark with Amplemarket’s AI-powered deliverability and domain analytics tools. With full visibility over your mailbox health and insights into your email performance, you can organize your outbound for maximum success.

Advanced AI workflows to streamline outreach

Amplemarket’s cutting-edge AI automation will transform your reps into super reps! Between smart automation, workflow triggering, and sentiment analysis, our platform will take care of time-intensive work and free your reps up for more important tasks.

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All-in-one platform with accurate & rich B2B contact data

Users of Outreach don’t enjoy lead generation or data enrichment support, meaning it’s up to them to generate leads elsewhere or with another tool. Amplemarket integrates your entire sales workflow in a single platform and gives you access to an unparalleled database of prospects.

What makes Amplemarket the best Outreach alternative — a deep dive

AI-Powered Lead Generation
Contact & Company Search
30+ filters to build contact and company lead lists
Social Prospecting
Export leads from LinkedIn using the Chrome extension
Calendar Enrichment
Pre-meeting contact information in your calendar
Data Enrichment
Enrich contact details with relevant attributes
Email Validation
Validate emails before outreach
Bi-directional CRM sync with Salesforce & HubSpot
AI-Powered Engagement
Multichannel Selling
Engage leads via email, phone and LinkedIn
Social Selling
Fully automated LinkedIn outreach with voice/video messages
Automated Sales Workflows
Trigger workflows with AI-based sentiment analysis
Outbound Dialer
Call prospects and record call outcomes
Advanced user and campaign analytics
AI-Powered Intelligence
Buying Intent Signals
Identify contacts evaluating your competitors
Job Change Alerts
Track contacts for job changes
AI Copywriter
Create first-touch messages within seconds
Uses intent-based hooks (company news, job moves & LI activity)
AI-Powered Deliverability
Email Deliverability Booster
AI based email warmup network
Mailbox Selection Recommendation
Select mailboxes that guarantee inbox delivery
Limited to 2 mailboxes per user
Email Spam Checker
Proactively check if your emails are landing in spam
Domain Health Center
Manage all deliverability metrics in one place