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Looking for the best UpLead alternative?

Why users switch to Amplemarket:
  • B2B contact database as accurate as LinkedIn
  • 90% email availability with a less than 3% bounce rate
  • 200M+ real-time, multi-step validated mobile phone numbers
  • Global data coverage (US, EMEA, APAC and LATAM markets)
  • Powerful Chrome Extension that exports LinkedIn leads
  • Access strong, contact-level buying intent signals
  • Identify exact contacts evaluating competitors
  • GDPR and SOC2 compliant
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Core features of Amplemarket and UpLead

Amplemarket is an all-in-one AI sales solution that provides a frequently updated database (as accurate as LinkedIn), featuring multi-step verified emails and phone numbers, LinkedIn intent access, and automated multichannel sequencing

Sales teams can enhance outreach with AI-driven messaging and protect their domain for optimal inbox placement.

UpLead specializes in lead generation and prospecting but doesn’t cover sales engagement and intelligence.


Pavan P., Vice President Global Sales, Blues Wireless


Amplemarket has provided us with far greater overall value than if we’d pieced various tools together. Having everything I need in one tool has allowed me to be fully autonomous through the entire sales process.

Niv Ehrlich, Account Executive, Duve


Verified Review on G2

Why Amplemarket is a better

alternative to UpLead


Unparalleled customer support

Experience top-notch support with Amplemarket from onboarding to training, to optimization, and beyond.


Accurate and fresher data

Enjoy 98% data accuracy thanks to Amplemarket’s comprehensive data verification that check nearly 3M contacts per day.


Multichannel outreach in one click

Reach out to all your leads in just one click across multiple channels directly from Amplemarket.


Intelligent outreach support

Our deliverability tools increase the chance of your email hitting home, whilst our AI copywriter helps you optimize your messaging for every lead.

4 areas where Amplemarket dominates UpLead

#1. Global database as accurate as LinkedIn

What you get with UpLead:
  • UpLead’s database is limited to 155 business profiles.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket’s contact database includes 300 million verified business profiles and is as accurate as LinkedIn's.
  • This means any user changing companies will automatically have their contact information updated in our database, resulting in fewer hard bounces and more meetings.

#2. Real-time phone data verification

What you get with UpLead:
  • UpLead’s phone data is limited and does not offer any information.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket specializes in mobile phone data, which has a 3x higher connect rate compared to company HQ and landline numbers. 
  • With a database of over 200 million mobile phone numbers and a 91% accuracy rate, each number is validated in real-time through an advanced, multi-step process that includes fraud detection, so you don’t have to worry about connect rates.

#3. Intent data that shows competitor interactions

What you get with UpLead:
  • UpLead partners with Bombora for intent data, giving you options to choose from over 14,000 buying intent topics that fit your business. However, this level of intent is not granular and is only applicable at the top of the funnel (e.g., searches like ‘artificial neural network software’, ‘cookie and website tracker scanning software’).
  • The results of the searches are limited to the company level, making it time-consuming to identify the right individual to contact and resulting in outreach that does not appear personalized.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket's proprietary buying intent signals put your competitors under the microscope by tracing digital footprints from Google (e.g., targeted ads) and LinkedIn (e.g., posts, ads, sales team engagement, events).
  • The results then pinpoint the exact contact interacting with your competitors, so all you have to do is reach out with a superior pitch of your solution.

#4. Chrome Extension that exports LinkedIn leads

What you get with UpLead:
  • UpLead’s Chrome Extension is limited to viewing your prospects' contact emails and phone numbers and adding them to a lead list.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket’s multi-purpose Chrome extension allows you to view contact details of your top prospects and export qualified leads from posts, events, groups, and competitor ads. You can create new lists, filter leads, and add them to sequences without leaving LinkedIn.
  • Amplemarket allows you to bulk export up to 2,500 leads at once, saving you significant time.

1. Global database as accurate as LinkedIn

What you get with UpLead:

UpLead’s database is limited to 155 business profiles.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's database has 300 million verified business profiles, as accurate as LinkedIn's. Contact info updates automatically for users changing companies, reducing bounces.

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2. Real-time phone data verification

What you get with UpLead:

UpLead’s phone data is limited and does not offer any information.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket specializes in mobile phone data, which has a 3x higher connect rate compared to company HQ and landline numbers.

Our database has 200 million mobile numbers, 91% accurate, validated in real time with fraud detection, ensuring worry-free connect rates for all users.

3. Intent data that shows competitor interactions

What you get with UpLead:

UpLead collaborates with Bombora for intent data. However, this data is broad and only relevant for top-of-funnel activities.

Search results are limited to companies, requiring time to find the right contact and leading to impersonal outreach.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's buying intent signals analyze competitors by tracking their digital activities on Google and LinkedIn, including ads, posts, sales interactions, and events.

The results identify the exact contact engaging with your competitors, allowing you to reach out with a better pitch of your solution.

4. Chrome Extension that exports LinkedIn leads

What you get with UpLead:

UpLead’s Chrome Extension is limited to viewing your prospects' contact emails and phone numbers and adding them to a lead list.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's Chrome extension lets you see top prospect details, export leads from various sources, create lists, filter, and add to sequences.

Amplemarket allows you to bulk export up to 2,500 leads at once, saving you significant time.

1. Database as accurate as LinkedIn

What you get with Apollo:

A quick data comparison test between Apollo and LinkedIn Sales Navigator for users who recently joined NVIDIA shows just over 300 contacts against the original 1,000+ contacts. This means you are potentially not reaching out to 700+ contacts at the right time!

While Apollo boasts a massive database of over 275 million contacts, a quick search filter for 'Verified emails' reduces this number to 96 million. This indicates that only 35% of the contacts in their database are verified.

What you get with Amplemarket:

A similar data comparison test between Amplemarket and LinkedIn Sales Navigator for users who recently joined NVIDIA shows the same 1000+ contacts, ensuring you’re not missing out on potential prospects.

Amplemarket’s contact database includes 300 million profiles and is as accurate as LinkedIn's. This means any user changing companies will automatically have their contact information updated in our database, resulting in fewer hard bounces and more meetings.

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2. Multi-step validated phone numbers

What you get with Apollo:

Apollo offers HQ and mobile numbers of prospects. It also identifies phone numbers as high-risk. Making more high-risk calls increases your chances of being marked as spam, which can result in low engagement.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket specializes in mobile phone data, which has a 3x higher connect rate compared to company HQ and landline numbers.

With a database of over 200 million mobile phone numbers and a 91% accuracy rate, each number is validated through an advanced, multi-step process that includes fraud detection, so you don’t have to worry about spam traps and low engagement. 

3. Contact-level buying intent

What you get with Apollo:

Apollo partners with intent data providers Bombora and LeadSift, giving you options to choose from over 14,000 buying intent topics that fit your business. However, this level of intent is not granular and is only applicable at the top of the funnel (e.g., searches like ‘artificial neural network software’, ‘cookie and website tracker scanning software’).

The results of the searches are limited to the company level, making it time-consuming to identify the right individual to contact and resulting in outreach that does not appear personalized.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's proprietary buying intent signals put your competitors under the microscope by tracing digital footprints from Google (e.g., targeted ads) and LinkedIn (e.g., posts, ads, sales team engagement, events).

The results then pinpoint the exact contact interacting with your competitors, so all you have to do is reach out with a superior pitch of your solution.

4. Email warmup and deliverability

What you get with Apollo:

Apollo does not offer much in terms of deliverability, except for a deliverability score, which is analyzed only after a campaign.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's comprehensive deliverability tools allow you to proactively check if emails from a specific mailbox are likely to be marked as spam.

You can select multiple mailboxes for your campaigns. If any mailbox shows low deliverability, you can improve its performance using our advanced email warm-up features.

Rich prospecting with purchase intent signals

From monitoring competitor engagements to tracking contact job changes, Amplemarket's advanced lead intelligence enables you to identify buyer intent effectively so you can time your outreach to perfection.

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Advanced AI to streamline outreach and engagement

Put repetitive outbound tasks on autopilot with Amplemarket's AI-Automated Sales Workflows and sentiment analysis. Benefit from intelligent automation that not only boosts user productivity but also delivers superior outcomes.

Tracking mailbox health & email diagnosis made easy

Amplemarket leaves nothing up to chance when it comes to your outbound performance. Nurture your domain health, boost your sender reputation, and unlock new levels of deliverability success with next-generation artificial intelligence on your side.

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Superior customer support to guide you every step of the way

From best practices to resolving requests on time, scale your outbound efforts with the backing of our expert Customer Support team every step of the way.

What makes Amplemarket the best UpLead alternative — a deep dive

AI-Powered Lead Generation
Contact & Company Search
30+ filters to build contact and company lead lists
300M+ business contacts
155M+ business contacts
Social Prospecting
Export leads from LinkedIn using the Chrome extension
Export 2500 leads at once from posts, ads, groups and more
Get contact info from search results
Calendar Enrichment
Pre-meeting contact information in your calendar
Data Enrichment
Enrich contact details with relevant attributes
Email Validation
Validate emails before outreach
Also validates catch-all emails
Bi-directional CRM sync with Salesforce & HubSpot
AI-Powered Engagement
Multichannel Selling
Engage leads via email, phone and LinkedIn
Social Selling
Fully automated LinkedIn outreach with voice/video messages
Automated Sales Workflows
Trigger workflows with AI-based sentiment analysis
Outbound Dialer
Call prospects and record call outcomes
Advanced user and campaign analytics
AI-Powered Intelligence
Buying Intent Signals
Identify contacts evaluating your competitors
Unable to identify the exact contact looking to buy
Job Change Alerts
Track contacts for job changes
AI Copywriter
Create first-touch messages within seconds
AI-Powered Deliverability
Email Deliverability Booster
AI based email warmup network
Mailbox Selection Recommendation
Select mailboxes that guarantee inbox delivery
Email Spam Checker
Proactively check if your emails are landing in spam
Domain Health Center
Manage all deliverability metrics in one place