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Looking for the best Apollo alternative?

Why users switch to Amplemarket:
  • Access 300M+ business profiles & 90% email availability rate
  • 70 million guaranteed updates every month
  • Weekly data refresh for tracking contact job changes
  • Global data coverage (US, EMEA, APAC and LATAM markets)
  • Source leads from LinkedIn posts, groups and competitor ads
  • Strong contact-level buying intent signals
  • Explore voice & video messaging through LinkedIn
  • Streamline email tasks with AI-powered drafts and responses
  • Monitor multiple mailboxes and warm-ups

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Why sales teams choose Amplemarket over

Amplemarket offers a regularly refreshed database with verified emails ensuring under 3% bounce rates, access to LinkedIn intent, and automated multichannel sequencing, including voice and video messages.

Enhance your outreach with AI-driven personalized messaging and protect your domain with Email Warmup and Domain Health Center, for optimal inbox placement. is a sales intelligence and engagement platform used by sales teams to find leads, automate outreach, and optimize sales processes through data-driven insights.


As a former Apollo user, Amplemarket has been a great tool for running our outbound sales motion and generating lead lists. The email deliverability features are a huge huge plus too — ask them about this!

Amplemarket user, Staffing and Recruiting industry


Verified Review on G2

Austin McRobbie, Sales Development Rep, Searchlight


We decided to look at other tools because we just weren’t getting enough leads through Apollo. Amplemarket fit right in what we were trying to do because we were using 3 or 4 tools to achieve one thing and it has everything wrapped up in a single one.

Alejandro Oromy, Revenue Operations Lead, Momentum


Verified Review on G2

Why Amplemarket is a better alternative to


Unrivalled data quality

Prospect with confidence and make the most of your cold outreach with Amplemarket’s 98% data accuracy.


Best-in-class intent signals

While shows you companies searching for industry keywords, we pinpoint contacts.


Superior deliverability

With bounce rates of less than 3%, Amplemarket helps you navigate spam filters and optimize your open and reply rates.


Quick and flawless support

Benefit from end-to-end onboarding, training, and strategic support from our Customer Success team to hit your sales goals.

Fresh prospect data with over 70 million updates a month

Amplemarket guarantees at least 70M business updates every month. Now, you can easily filter recently promoted, newly hired, or high-intent leads that are actively engaging with your competitors and double down on your best-fit prospect opportunities.

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Source and engage LinkedIn leads on autopilot

Turn viral industry content or competitor ads to your advantage by exporting leads from LinkedIn in just a few clicks. Whether it's visiting profiles or liking recent posts, let Amplemarket’s automation take care of time-intensive manual tasks while you focus on high value engagements.

Improve sales timing with 3+ intent signals

Enhance sales timing and shorten sales cycles using triggers such as job changes, buyer intent, hiring, and funding alerts. Get detailed insights on individual contacts to build valuable connections and boost your pipeline.

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Generate and reply to cold emails with AI

Cut down research time and reach 6x more prospects with hyper-personalized cold openers in just 1-click. Overcome objections and book meetings with contextual replies using Amplemarket AI.

Avoid spam & keep bounce rates under 3%

From comprehensive mailbox support to weekly email placement tests, Amplemarket gives you the best chances of hitting your prospect’s inbox and keeping your sender reputation in top shape.

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What makes Amplemarket the best alternative — a deep dive

AI-Powered Lead Generation
Contact & Company Search
30+ filters to build contact and company lead lists
Social Prospecting
Export leads from LinkedIn using the Chrome extension
Export leads from relevant posts, groups, ads and more
No option to bulk export LinkedIn leads
Calendar Enrichment
Pre-meeting contact information in your calendar
Data Enrichment
Enrich contact details with relevant attributes
Email Validation
Validate emails before outreach
Bi-directional CRM sync with Salesforce & HubSpot
AI-Powered Engagement
Multichannel Selling
Engage leads via email, phone and LinkedIn
Social Selling
Fully automated LinkedIn outreach with voice/video messages
Automated Sales Workflows
Trigger workflows with AI-based sentiment analysis
Limited to OOO detection
Outbound Dialer
Call prospects and record call outcomes
Advanced user and campaign analytics
Lacks segmentation based on reply sentiment
AI-Powered Intelligence
Buying Intent Signals
Identify contacts evaluating your competitors
Unable to identify the exact contact looking to buy
Job Change Alerts
Track contacts for job changes
AI Copywriter
Create first-touch messages within seconds
Uses multiple hooks including recent activity, profile info, common connections and more
Limited to 3 opening hooks
AI-Powered Deliverability
Email Deliverability Booster
AI based email warmup network
Mailbox Selection Recommendation
Select mailboxes that guarantee inbox delivery
No option to recover mailboxes with low deliverability
Email Spam Checker
Proactively check if your emails are landing in spam
Domain Health Center
Manage all deliverability metrics in one place