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Prospecting secret: How to scrape data from Google search results

October 5, 2022

Pedro Guimaraes


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Scraping Google search results for effective prospecting

The ability to do precise Google searches and getting relevant results is a superpower that is easy to acquire but most people don't have it.

The goals of this post re

  • to provide simple and tangible examples to help you gain this superpower
  • to show you how you can leverage Google for prospecting.

Google search operators: How do they enhance your search capabilities?

Google search operators (also known as “advanced operators”) are commands that extend the capabilities of regular text searches.  With Google search operators you can do anything from market analysis, prospecting people on LinkedIn, retrieving fundraising news, finding emails, etc. Understanding the basics of Google search operators will drastically improve the quality of your search results.

How do Google search operators work?

Even though there are lots of search operators for you to use, they usually follow a similar syntax like this one:


Scraping data from Google search results for sales, growth, and marketing use cases

Here are some examples of basic search operators:

Google search operators for sales

 Find: Google spreadsheets that include “startups” and “2024” in the title

Use case: This search will provide you with several links to lists of Google spreadsheets with data about startups and the year 2024. For example, if you offer services for startups that are hiring remotely you’ve just found a list with 900+ potential leads.

Google search operators for growth

 Find: List of LinkedIn profiles that mention “Founder” and the words “We’re hiring”

Use case: This search should retrieve a list of founders at startups/companies that are hiring and managing a growing team. For example, if these founders match with your ICP you can directly click on the link and reach out to this person.

Google search operators for marketing

 Find: Google docs that contain the words “SaaS”, “conference” and “2020” in the body

Use case: This search should find you documents related to SaaS conferences in 2020. For example, you can find lists to make sure you don’t miss out on any important event in your industry. Furthermore, you can connect with thousands of potential customers by making sure you attend and reach out to the people participating in these conferences.

Scraping web data for industry insights

 Find: Airtable bases/lists that contain “investors” in the URL

Use case: Airtable has been creating tons of content with relevant lists that help you access more information about companies. For example, here you can find lists of investors that may be relevant to your fundraising needs or that fit your ICP. Keep in mind that these lists not only provide you with the names of the investors, but they also share relevant information about each one of them.

Google search operators for market research

 Find: Industry reports from multiple sources

Use case: This search will help you stay up to date with your industry trends. With a quick search you can immediately find the most relevant docs for your market research activities.

Google search results scraping for prospect research

I hope these examples will help you gain a better understanding of how Google search operators work and save you huge amounts of time during your prospecting initiatives.

If you want to learn more about successful B2B prospecting tactics that save you a lot of time and help you convert more qualified leads, you may find these resources helpful:

👉 11 B2B Lead Generation Strategies & Tactics to close more deals in 2021

👉 Amplemarket Lists - here you can find several manually curated lists of companies based on relevant information from our database for free.

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