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Amplemarket launches AI Copywriter - The ultimate tool to hyper-personalize your outreach at scale

March 16, 2023

Lottie Taylor


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We're excited to announce the launch of the AI Copywriter, the newest addition to Amplemarket's all-in-one sales solution!

Outbound motions can be time-consuming and require significant research, preparation, and creativity. With Amplemarket's AI Copywriter, users can create customized cold email and LinkedIn messages in just one click. The tool uses Large Language Models like GPT-3 to unblock creativity roadblocks and provide high-impact, personalized, and relevant copy for lead generation.

"Our goal with the AI Copywriter is to make the sales process more efficient and effective for our users," said João Batalha, CEO at Amplemarket. "By leveraging the power of AI, sales professionals can spend less time crafting the perfect message and more time connecting with their prospects and closing deals."

The AI Copywriter's email generator follows a simple three-step structure to create high-impact copy:

  • The Hook - The opening line explains the context of why the user is reaching out and should be personal and relevant to establish a connection with the prospect.
  • The Value Proposition - The next section explains how the user's product or service can add value or solve a problem for the prospect.
  • Your Call-to-Action  - The email ends with an ask for a next step, such as a call, in-person meeting, or yes/no answer.

In addition, AI Copywriter's LinkedIn extension allows users to automatically generate a personalized message directly from their prospect's profile. Drawing on their prospect's LinkedIn data and activity, users can create highly relevant messages in a matter of seconds.

"The AI Copywriter provides a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, personalization, creativity, consistency, and cost-effectiveness," said Micael Oliveira, CRO at Amplemarket. "Our AI-powered tool is customizable for B2B outreach, enabling sales professionals to make more meaningful connections and close more deals."

How is Amplemarket’s AI Copywriter going to revolutionize the B2B industry? 

  1. Reduce non-relevant conversations by focusing on those that actually add value. With the AI Copywriter, users will be more efficient in using key data points to make relevant connections
  2. Focus on genuine interactions and engaging with your prospect. By leveraging the support of the latest conversational AI models users can increase their focus on actually adding value to that connection. 
  3. Unblock blind spots. Even after thorough research of a target audience, it’s possible to overlook opportunities for connection. The AI Copywriter is able to identify recurring themes or points of importance and provides several options accordingly.
  4. Save time on time-consuming tasks. Personalized conversations usually mean a higher engagement rate, but these are also often time-consuming and error-prone. The AI Copywriter shoulders these labor-intensive tasks and provides you with all the information you need to take the right approach. 
  5. Experiment with different approaches. Copy length and tone of voice can be customized in just a few clicks so you can tailor your outreach style in a matter of seconds.

Ready to try the AI Copywriter for yourself? Learn more about the tool here or book a demo and let our team show you how it works!

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