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Looking for the best ZoomInfo alternative?

Why users switch to Amplemarket:
  • B2B contact database as accurate as LinkedIn
  • 90% email availability with a less than 3% bounce rate
  • 200M+ real-time, multi-step validated mobile phone numbers
  • Global data coverage (US, EMEA, APAC and LATAM markets)
  • Powerful Chrome extension that exports LinkedIn leads
  • Access strong, contact-level buying intent signals
  • Explore voice and video messaging through LinkedIn
  • AI Assistant that creates and replies to emails
  • Monitor multiple mailboxes and domain warm-ups
  • GDPR and SOC2 compliant
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Core features of Amplemarket of ZoomInfo Sales OS

Amplemarket is an all-in-one AI sales solution that provides a frequently updated database (as accurate as LinkedIn), featuring multi-step verified emails and phone numbers, LinkedIn intent access, and automated multichannel sequencing

Sales teams can enhance outreach with AI-driven messaging and protect their domain for optimal inbox placement.

ZoomInfo is a B2B database commonly used by enterprises with unlimited budgets to find large organizations and corporations.


Pavan P., Vice President Global Sales, Blues Wireless


I was initially nervous about Amplemarket's scope being so wide, because I thought it would sacrifice quality, and that buying ZoomInfo, Outreach, etc. would be a safer bet. I was so wrong -- Amplemarket has incredible reliability, even better customer service, and does all of this for an affordable cost!

Jordan Ramsay, Amplemarket User


Verified Review on G2

Why Amplemarket is a better

alternative to ZoomInfo


Unrivalled customer support

Not a fan of ZoomInfo’s auto-renewal clauses and customer support? Experience top-notch support with Amplemarket.


Comprehensive lead intelligence

Accurate data enrichment is just the beginning; leverage actionable intent signals to laser-focus your selling strategies.


Global data coverage

Not just US or EU, Amplemarket hosts over 300M contacts and 20M companies across the globe.


For teams of all sizes & industries

Any team looking to scale their outbound efforts and consolidate with all-in-one solution would be a great fit for Amplemarket.

4 areas where Amplemarket dominates ZoomInfo Sales OS

#1. Database with a high refresh rate

What you get with ZoomInfo:
  • To illustrate ZoomInfo’s data quality, let's compare it with LinkedIn, known to have accurate user data.
  • For example, when we look at the total number of employees at a company like NVIDIA, ZoomInfo shows only 22,000 employees compared to the original 27,000+ on LinkedIn. This means up to 5,000 employees could be missing from your outreach due to slow database refresh rates
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • For the same search, Amplemarket’s frequently refreshed B2B contact database shows nearly 28,000 NVIDIA employees. This ensures you can reach the right people at the right time with the right information.

#2. Chrome Extension that exports LinkedIn leads

What you get with ZoomInfo:
  • You can find contact details of individual users on LinkedIn or export up to 24 leads at once from Sales Navigator.
  • While Apollo boasts a massive database of over 275 million contacts, a quick search filter for 'Verified emails' reduces this number to 96 million. This indicates that only 35% of the contacts in their database are verified.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket’s multi-purpose Chrome extension allows you to view contact details of your top prospects and export qualified leads from posts, events, groups, and competitor ads. You can create new lists, filter leads, and add them to sequences without leaving LinkedIn.
  • Amplemarket allows you to bulk export up to 2,500 leads at once, which is 100x more than ZoomInfo, saving you significant time.

#3. AI automation for increased efficiency

What you get with ZoomInfo:
  • ZoomInfo offers limited AI capabilities that include AI-based email generation and company insights in the searcher in its latest AI copilot. 
  • While Apollo boasts a massive database of over 275 million contacts, a quick search filter for 'Verified emails' reduces this number to 96 million. This indicates that only 35% of the contacts in their database are verified.
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • From prospecting to analyzing email sentiment to triggering relevant workflows, Amplemarket AI helps sales teams boost productivity throughout the sales cycle.

#4. Email warmup and deliverability

What you get with ZoomInfo:
  • ZoomInfo does not offer any deliverability related features such as multiple mailbox selection, inbox placement and warmup
What you get with Amplemarket:
  • Amplemarket's comprehensive deliverability tools allow you to proactively check if emails from a specific mailbox are likely to be marked as spam. You can select from multiple mailboxes for your campaigns.
  • If any mailbox shows low deliverability, you can improve its performance using our advanced email warm-up features.

1. Database with a high refresh rate

What you get with ZoomInfo:

Data comparison revealed that ZoomInfo's slow database refresh rate caused it to miss a significant percentage of recent company joiners compared to LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

What you get with Amplemarket:

For the same search, Amplemarket's updated database lists nearly the same number of contacts as LinkedIn, ensuring timely and accurate outreach opportunities.

2. Chrome Extension that exports LinkedIn leads

What you get with ZoomInfo:

You can find contact details of individual users on LinkedIn or export up to 25 leads at once from Sales Navigator.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's Chrome extension shows top prospects' contact details and exports leads from posts, events, and ads.

Amplemarket lets you bulk export 2,500 leads at once, saving you significant time.

3. AI automation for increased efficiency

What you get with ZoomInfo:

ZoomInfo offers limited AI capabilities that include AI-based email generation and company insights in the searcher in its latest AI copilot. 

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's AI crafts researched cold openers, mimics sales styles, handles emails, objections, and boosts meeting bookings, saving time.

From prospecting to analyzing email sentiment to triggering relevant workflows, Amplemarket AI helps sales teams boost productivity throughout the sales cycle.

4. Email warmup and deliverability

What you get with ZoomInfo:

ZoomInfo does not offer any deliverability-related features such as multiple mailbox selection, inbox placement and warmup.

What you get with Amplemarket:

Amplemarket's deliverability solutions proactively check to determine if emails from a designated mailbox might be flagged as spam

You can choose from multiple mailboxes for your campaigns. If any mailbox shows low deliverability, our advanced email warm-up features can help improve its performance.

Superior customer support to guide you every step of the way

Enjoy support above and beyond with your all-in-one AI platform; Amplemarket’s experienced Customer Success team is here to help your team realize the full power of AI and unlock their full potential.

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Fresh prospect data with over 70 million updates a month

Save your sales reps from wasting valuable time on incomplete, outdated, and low-quality data. Amplemarket ensures 98% data accuracy through advanced data verification methods and makes nearly 70M business updates a month.

Precise contact-level buyer intent signals

Frustrated by vague, account-level buying intent data? Discover the most actionable and relevant contact-level Buying Intent Signals and power your pipeline with your most highly-qualified leads.

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Advanced generative AI that boosts productivity

Accelerate your cold outreach by taking advantage of the latest generative AI technology. Cut prospect research time and relieve creativity blocks by crafting personalized first-touch emails in just one click!

What makes Amplemarket the best ZoomInfo alternative — a deep dive

AI-Powered Lead Generation
Contact & Company Search
30+ filters to build contact and company lead lists
Social Prospecting
Export leads from LinkedIn using the Chrome extension
Export 2500 leads at once from posts, ads and more (100x more)
Export ~25 leads at once from Sales Nav or individual profiles
Calendar Enrichment
Pre-meeting contact information in your calendar
Data Enrichment
Enrich contact details with relevant attributes
Email Validation
Validate emails before outreach
Also validates catch-all emails
Bi-directional CRM sync with Salesforce & HubSpot
AI-Powered Engagement
Multichannel Selling
Engage leads via email, phone and LinkedIn
Limited to email and phone channels
Social Selling
Fully automated LinkedIn outreach with voice/video messages
Automated Sales Workflows
Trigger workflows with AI-based sentiment analysis
Outbound Dialer
Call prospects and record call outcomes
Advanced user and campaign analytics
AI-Powered Intelligence
Buying Intent Signals
Identify contacts evaluating your competitors
Unable to identify the exact contact looking to buy
Job Change Alerts
Track contacts for job changes
AI Copywriter
Create first-touch messages within seconds
Uses intent-based hooks (company news, job moves & LI activity)
AI-Powered Deliverability
Email Deliverability Booster
AI based email warmup network
Mailbox Selection Recommendation
Select mailboxes that guarantee inbox delivery
Email Spam Checker
Proactively check if your emails are landing in spam
Domain Health Center
Manage all deliverability metrics in one place